Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

Fully Clothed

1 2 3&4 5 6 7&8
heel grind() back coaster XIF() step() side() XIB- side- XIF
(R) (onR) L R - L - R L R L - R - L
& 1 2 - 3 4 5&6 7&8
side() next push hips
back back- side()- XIF triple T()
R L - R L - R - L R - L - R
1 2 3&4 & 5 6 7 - 8
rock rec triple T() T() back next step T(-)
L R L - R - L (3:00) R (9:00) L R L - R
& 1 2 - 3 4&5 6 7&8
step() XIF bump - bump mambo side() XIF- rec- side
L R - L - R - L R L - R - L
*On wall 5, after step1-30 then replace 7&8 with 2 count "hold".

Last update '18/10/10

Fully Clothed

Choreographed by Scott Blevins & Betsy Courant
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Intermediate
Music: Bang Bang by Nicolas Boscovic, Tom Hillock and Ashiey Clark

"Kickit" Step Sheet

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