Abram goes out to Canan

"And God said to Abram: Go you from your land and from your home town and from house of your father to the land that I will show you..." [Genesis 12:1]

God saw his devotion of Abram, and loved him very much.
God said: I will take Abram, who is the lover on all the people, and I will bring him to the land which is the lover on all the lands.
I will take Abram to land Canan.
God called Abram, and said: " Go from your land, go from house of your father, go to the land that I will lead you there".
Abram heared in voice of the God.
He took his people, his family and went out to a long way, without that he knew to which land that he go.

Abram did pass from city to city and from land to land, and did ovsereve in their doing of inhabitants of the place.
When Abram passeed in Aram Naharim, he saw and here the people eating and full stomach and the food in plenty, but they no helping man to his friend and many between them.
Abram said to his heart: I hope and not to this land that God lead me.
I hope that I need not live in this land.
The life here is no suitable for me, and for the sake of land like that it is not worthwhile to leave house of my father.

Abram countinued in his way, and he arrived to land Canan.
Abram saw people working in fields, hoeing and sowing, harvesting fruit of the ground, joying in the shares, and extend hand each other.
Abram said to his heart: I hope and that land God lead me.
I hope that it is the land that you will give for me.
People like this and life like this is suitable for me.

The God said to Abram: "For your seed and for your sons I will give this land."

–ß‚èTop of Agada