Born This Way

1 &2 3 &4 5 6 7&8
toe side swivel heel
(right - left)
hold next - XIF side turn shuffle
(R) (R) - (R) - R - L R L R - L - R
1 2& 3 4 5 6 7&8
rock recover - next step turn step turn turn - next - side
L R - L R L R L R - L - R
1&2 3&4 5 6 7&8
kick ball side sailor turn turn turn XIB - side - XIF
(L) - L - (R) R - L - R L R L - R - L
1&2 & 3&4 &5&6 &7&8&
XIF-side-XIF turn XIF-side-XIF back-heel-step-touch back-heel-step-heel-up
R - L - R onR L - R - L R - (L) - L -(R) R - (L) - L -(R) - (R)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
step hold step hold step hold turn hold
R - L - R - L -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
step hold step hold step hold turn hold
R - L - R - L -
TAG: After wall 4th and 7th (facing 12:00), do 16 counts TAG and then restart.

Last update '11/12/17

Born This Way

Choreographed by Craig Bennett & Simon Ward
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance
Music: Born This Way by Lady Gaga


"Kickit" Step Sheet

Top page of Easy Step Sheet

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