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Last update '01/12/30
Bump-N-GrindChoreographed by Jo Thompson & Jamie Davis Description: 48 count, 2 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Bump-N-Grind by Ronnie Beard POINT RIGHT, TOGETHER, POINT RIGHT, TOGETHER, VINE RIGHT 3, TOUCH 1-2 Touch right toe to right side with right hip bump, touch right beside left (hips center) 3-4 Touch right toe to right side with right hip bump, touch right beside left (hips center) 5-7 Step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right, step right foot to right side 8 Touch left beside right HIP CIRCLE LEFT TWO TIMES, VINE LEFT, 1/4 TURN LEFT, TOUCH 1-2 Touch left foot to left side, circle hips forward and left, finish hip circle back and right 3-4 Circle hips forward and left, finish hip circle back and right 5-7 Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, turn 1/4 left and step forward with left foot 8 Touch right beside left HIP BUMPS FORWARD, BACK, BACK, FORWARD 1&2 Place right foot forward to right front diagonal, bump hips right, left, right shifting weight forward to right foot 3&4 Bump hips left, right, left shifting weight back to left foot 5&6 Place right foot back to right back diagonal, bump hips right, left, right shifting weight back to right foot 7&8 Bump hips left, right, left shifting weight forward to left foot 1/4 TURN LEFT 4 TIMES 1-2 Step right foot forward, turn 1/4 left shifting weight to left foot 3-4 Step right foot forward, turn 1/4 left shifting weight to left foot 5-6 Step right foot forward, turn 1/4 left shifting weight to left foot 7-8 Step right foot forward, turn 1/4 left shifting weight to left foot Optional hip circle to the left with each 1/4 turn TRIPLE RIGHT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, TRIPLE LEFT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER 1&2 Step right foot to right side, step together with left, step right foot to right side 3-4 Rock back with ball of left foot, recover weight forward to right foot 5&6 Step left foot to left side, step together with right, step left foot to left side 7-8 Rock back with ball of right foot, recover weight forward to left foot KICK BALL CHANGE, KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP, HOLD, 1/4 TURN LEFT, HOLD 1&2 Kick forward with right foot, rock back with ball of right foot, recover weight forward to left foot 3&4 Kick forward with right foot, rock back with ball of right foot, recover weight forward to left foot 5-6 Step forward with right foot, hold 7-8 Turn 1/4 left shifting weight to left foot, hold allowing right leg to relax and come closer to the left leg Optional styling 5 Thrust hips forward pulling fists down and back 6 Relax hips back to center 7a S you are turning, circle hips back and to the right 8 Settle hips to the left allowing right leg to relax and come closer to the left leg REPEAT |
"Kickit" Step Sheet
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