Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

Electric Slide

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
side XIB side touch side XIB side touch
R L R (L) L R L (R)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
back back back touch step touch XIB back touch XIF
R L R (L) L (R) R (L)
1 2
step blush turn
L (R)
XIF = cross in front , XIB = cross in back

Last update '04/4/10

Electric Slide

Choreographed by Unknown
Description:	18 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance
Music:	Electric Boogie by Marcia Griffiths 


1& 	Right foot step to side, left foot slide to right foot
2& 	Right foot step to side, left foot slide to right foot
3 	 Right foot step to side
4 	 Left foot touch beside right (clap hands)


5& 	Left foot step to side, right foot slide to left foot
6& 	Left foot step to side, right foot slide to left foot
7 	 Left foot step to side
8 	 Right foot touch beside left (clap hands)


9 	 Right foot step back
10 	Left foot step back
11 	Right foot step back
12 	Left foot touch beside right (clap hands)


13 	Left foot step forward (begin rock motion forward)
14 	Right foot touch behind left and at same time rock forward or dip down and touch floor 
    with right hand, (or just get funky, shake shoulders, hips, whatever!)
15 	Right foot step back (begin rock motion back)
16 	Left foot touch beside right (but slightly forward)


17 	Left foot step forward
18 	Pivot 1/4 turn to left on left foot, at same time scuff right foot forward as turn is made


 This 18-count dance has been around for many, many years, and has seen thousands of variations. 
For example, many people will turn the first 8 counts into a vine right with a scuff and a vine
left with a scuff. This is a very common variation. But the slides as shown in counts 1-8 above
are where the dance got its name, so we choose to print it this way.
In April of 2003, Ric Silver produced a 22-count version of Electric Slide which he claims to 
have choreographed in 1976. It is similar to, but different than, the 18-count version shown above.
 It is not clear if the 22-count version (also available at the Kickit website, by permission of 
Ric Silver) was ever danced in public. The 18-count version appears to be the one being dance 
worldwide, and is actually more similar to the 16-count Arizona Freeze than to the 22-count 
Electric Slide.

"Kickit" Step Sheet

Top page of Easy Step Sheet

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