Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

1st Class

1&2 3&4 5 6 7&8
kick ball step kick ball step back back shuffle turn
(R) - R - L (R) - R - L R L R - L - R
1&2 3&4 5 6 7&8
kick ball step kick ball step back back shuffle turn
(L) - L - R (L) - L - R L R L - R - L
1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 8
XIF(toe strut) back(toe strut) side(toe strut) XIF(toe strut)
(R) - R (L) - L (R) - R (L) - L
1 2 3 4 &5 6 7-8
point turn point next jump- jump hold Elvis knees R & L
(R) R (L) L R - L - (R in) - (L in)

Last update '13/9/14

1st Class

Choreographed by Karl-Harry Winson
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner
Music: Return To Sender by Helmut Lotti
       Return To Sender by Elvis Presley

"Kickit" Step Sheet

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