Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

Hoedown Throwdown

Pop it Lock it Polka Dot it Countrify it Hip - Hop it
1 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 & 7 & 8
step back side next side heel & heel & kick - hop - it
L R L - R - L (R) - R - (L) - L (R)
Optional: (1)left arm forward, (&8)upper body forward then backward
Hawk in the Sky Side to Side Jump to the Left Stick it & Glide
1 & 2 & 3 - 4 5 & 6 7 & 8
side - next up - down turn - turn scuff - turn - step stomp - side - drag
R - L (L) - L L - R (L) - L - R (L) - L - (R)
(1&)arms side then cross, (2&)arms up then cross, (3-4)arms crossing side to side
Zig Zag Touch Across the Floor Shuffle in Diagonal (two times)
1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 & 8
XIF - side - flick side - next - side side - next - side back - next - back
(R) - (R) - (R) R - L - R L - R - L R - L - R
(5&6&)arms up-down-up-down, (7&8&)arms up-down-up-down
Hit the Drum On Your Hips 180 Twist (two times)
1 & 2 & 3 - 4 5 & 6 7 & 8
scuff - step scuff - step (arms on hips) triple turn jumping triple turn
(L)-L (R)-R - L - R - L (onL) - (onL) - (onL)
(1)right arm forward, (2)left arm forward, (3-4)arms on hips, (7&8)arms up
Zig Zag Touch Lean it Left (two times) Clap 3 times
1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 & 8
XIF - side - flick side - side - slide side - recover - sit(toe) clap - clap - clap
(R) - (R) - (R) R - L - (R) L - R - L(R) R
(7&8)claps down to upward
Shake it Out (two times) Throw it All Together
1 - 2 3 - 4 5 & 6 7 - 8
turn - turn turn - turn step - back - rock big back - touch
L - R L - R L - R - L R - (L)
(&6)right arm back to forward, (8)arms up

Last update '09/8/13

Hoedown Throwdown

Choreographed by ...
Description: 48 count, 1 wall
Music: Hoedown Throwdown

see YouTube: WT & demo by Jamal Sims and Miley Cyrus

"Kickit" Step Sheet

Top page of Easy Step Sheet

Copyright(c) 2009 BokerTov all rights reserved