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Last update '05/7/27
I Play The Chicken with The Train (Intermediate)I Play Chicken With The Train (Intermediate) Choreographed by Barry Amato, Guyton Mundy & Robert Royston Description: 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music: I Play Chicken With The Train by Cowboy Troy KICK, CROSS, TOUCH, KICK, CROSS, TOUCH, SCUFF, HITCH, STEP OUT, TOUCH, 1/4 TURN/STEP FORWARD 1&2 Kick the right foot forward, cross right foot over left, touch left foot slightly back and out to the left side 3&4 Kick the left foot forward, cross left foot over right, touch right foot slightly back and out to the right side 5&6 Scuff the right heel forward, hitch right foot to left knee, step out the right on right foot so that feet are should width apart 7-8 Touch left foot next to the right, 1/4 turn left on ball of right foot and step forward on left STEP, HITCH, TOUCH BACK, HITCH, TOUCH BACK, STEP - 1/2 TURN, TOUCH SIDE, HITCH, TOUCH SIDE 1-2 Step forward on right foot, hitch the left foot to the right knee 3-4 Touch the left foot straight back, hitch the left foot to the right knee 5-6 Touch the left foot straight back, roll through the ball of the left foot, weighting left foot as you do a 1/2 turn to the left 7-8 Touch right foot to right side, hitch right into left knee, touch right foot to right side Optional, while doing 7&8, snap fingers to the right side on, bring right hand in toward center of your body on, snap fingers to the right side on HITCH, TRIPLE STEP, 1/4 TURN - TRIPLE STEP, 1Ú4 TURN - TRIPLE STEP, 1/4 TURN - STEP, HEEL/POINT FORWARD &1&2 Hitch right foot to the left knee, triple step to the right stepping right-left-right (1&2) When you begin this triple step you are facing 3:00 3&4 1/4 turn left and triple step to the left stepping left-right-left (you'll end up facing 12:00) 5&6 1/4 turn left and triple step to the right stepping right-left-right (you'll end up facing 9:00) 7-8 1/4 turn left and step on the left foot, tap right heel forward and extend right arm and point forward (you'll end up facing 6:00) HEEL, FAN, COASTER STEP, HEEL FAN - 1/4 TURN, COASTER STEP 1-2 Dig right heel on a diagonal to the left, fan right foot from left to right weighting left foot after fan 3&4 Coaster step stepping back on the right foot, step left foot back together with right foot, step forward on right foot 5-6 Dig left heel on a diagonal to the right, fan left foot from right to left doing a 1/4 turn left and weighting right foot after 1/4 turn/ fan 7&8 Coaster step stepping back on the left foot, step right foot back together with left foot, step forward on left foot REPEAT |
"Kickit" Step Sheet
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