Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

Larger Than Life

1 2 3&4& 5&6 7&8
walk walk jump- jump- jump- jump shuffle step- turn- step
R L (out - in - out - in) R - L - R L - R - L
1&2 & 3&4 & 5&6 7&8 &
shuffle turn back- lock- back back heel & touch rock- rec- touch next
R - L - R (onR) L - R - L R (L) - L - (R) R - L - (R) R
1 & 2 & 3 & 4
stomp brush hitch slap heel flick slap next hitch slap
L (R) (R) (R) (R) R (L)
& 5 & 6 & 7 & 8
stomp brush hitch slap heel flick slap next hitch slap next
L (R) (R) (R) (R) R (L) L
1 2 3&4 5&6 7 &8
step turn XIF- side- XIF side- rec- XIF side twist trun
R L R - L - R L - R - L R (heels up R-L) onR
1 2 3&4 & 5&6 & 7&8*Restart
step turn step bump turn back bump turn shuffle
L R L - R - L (onL) R - L - R (onR) L - R - L
1 2 3&4 5& 6& 7& 8
step turn shuffle heel- lock heel- lock heel- lock step- turn
R L R - L - R L - R L - R L - R L - (onL)
1-8: step R fwd, extend arms out and up slowly (fists closed)
1-8: step L fwd, with arms extended out slowly bring them down (hands open up)
1-8: step R to R, and extend arms out and up slowly (fists closed)
1-4: with arms extended out slowly bring them down (hands open up)
5-8: tap both heels on the spot, arms by sides
1-4: tap both heels on the spot, arms by sides
5-8: walk - walk - walk - turn (R-L-R-L), punching R arm up
*Restart: on 2nd wall, leave out last 8 counts(41-48), and restart(facing 12:00).
*TAG: on 5th wall, do this 40 counts Tag.

Last update '15/1/21

Larger Than Life

Choreographed by Simon Ward

Description: 48 count, 2 wall, advance line dance
Music: Larger Than Life by The Backstreet Boys

"Kickit" Step Sheet

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