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Last update '01/9/29
Silk & SatinChoreographed by Evelyn Khinoo Description: 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music: Island by Eddy Raven The Chair by George Strait You Have The Right To Remain Silent by Perfect Stranger The Cowboy Rides Away by George Strait FORWARD; CHA-CHA-CHA; FORWARD; ROCK BACK; HOLD; SWITCH; BACK; HOLD; SWITCH 1-2&3 Step right forward; step left forward; step right next to left; step left slightly forward 4-5-6 Step right forward; rock back on left; hold* &7-8& Step right next to left; step left back; hold; step right next to left Optional Hat Trick: Counts 5 through 8--Place left hand on belt buckle or at center waist with left elbow pointing outward; hold brim of hat with right hand. ROCK BACK; FORWARD CHA-CHA-CHA; SIDE LEFT; ROCK RIGHT; CROSS; &; CROSS; STEP 1-2&3 Rock back on left; step right forward; step left next to right; step right forward 4-5 Step left to left side; step right to right side 6&7-8 Cross left in front of right; step right to right side (keep right toe back from left heel); cross left in front of right; step right to right side ROCK; ROCK; POINT; HOLD; ROCK; ROCK; SIDE; 1/4 RIGHT PIVOT 1-2 Step left behind right and rock onto left; rock onto right at center 3-4 Point left to left side; hold* 5-6 Step left behind right and rock onto left; rock onto right at center 7-8 Step left to left side (put weight on both feet); pivot 1/4 turn right on the balls of both feet Optional Hat Trick: Counts and 3 and 4--Hold brim of hat with right hand; or, take hat off with right hand and hold out to right side; place back on head on count 5. ROCK FORWARD; BACK; BACK; FORWARD; FORWARD; BACK; BACK; HOLD; HOOK 1-2 Step left foot forward; rock back onto right at center (right foot stays at center during the rocks; sway hips left and right with all rock movements) 3-4 Step left foot backward; rock forward onto right at center 5-6 Step left foot forward; rock backward onto right at center 7-8& Step left foot backward; hold; hook right foot in front of left shin* Optional Hat Trick: Count "&"--Hold brim of hat with right hand. REPEAT |
"Kickit" Step Sheet
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