
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
turn - side turn - side turn XIF - in place back - hitch
onL - R onR - L onL R - L R - (L)
(9:00) (3:00) (12:00) (10:30) (10:30)

5 & 6 & 7 & 8
kick back - back / hitch kick back - back sailor turn
(L) - L (R) (R) - R L - R - L

1 2 & 3 & 4
XIB tap
(R_arm down)
side twist body
(L toe and R heel)
push chest
(forward - back)
(R) R - -
5 6 & 7 8
turn big slide
(R_arm side straight)
next hitch step - turn
(R_arm touch face)
(R_arm down,
then arms up)
on(R) L R (L) L - R -
1 & 2 & 3 & 4
bend knees
(arms forward)
R knees in - out
(R_arm push)
L knees in - out
(L_arm push)
next - side
(then arms up)
- - - R - L
5 & 6 & 7 & 8
bend knees
(arms forward)
R knees in - out
(R_arm push)
L knees in - out
(L_arm push)
next - side tap
(R_knee bend)
- - - R - (L)
1 2 3 4
turn side body roll
(R_heel twist)
body roll
(R_heel twist)
turn forward
(onR) L (R) (R) R
5 6 7 & 8*
full turn
(L_foot up)
step forward
(arms forward)
(arms back)
turn turn next
onR L - R (onR) L
*Easy option: the last step 8 & 1 (turn next - turn - side) --> (turn - side - side)

Last update '12/7/24


Choreographed by Roy Hadisubroto
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Novice
Music: Steam by Nicole Scherzinger

"Kickit" Step Sheet

Top page of Easy Step Sheet

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