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Last update '08/11/9
Why Did You Lie?Choreographed by Jo Thompson Szymanski & Deborah Szekely Description:48 count, 4 wall, intermediate west coast swing line dance Music:Why Did You Lie To Me by Bryan Lee Other West Coast Swing style songs Start dancing on lyrics TOUCH, CROSS, TOUCH, CROSS, SYNCOPATED VINE RIGHT, 1/4 TURN LEFT, STEP 1-2 Touch right toe to side, cross right over left 3-4 Touch left toe to side, cross left over right &5 Step right to side, cross left behind right &6 Step right to side, cross left over right 7-8 Bring right foot to left ankle, turn 1/4 left and step right forward 1/2 PIVOTS TWICE, SYNCOPATED KICK AND TOE WITH 1/2 TURN LEFT 1-2 Turn 1/2 right and step left back, turn 1/2 right and step right forward 3&4 Small kick forward with left, step left forward, touch right toe crossed behind left &5 Step back with right, turn 1/4 left and small kick forward with left &6 Turn 1/4 left and small step forward with left, small kick forward with right &7 Small step forward with right, touch left toe crossed behind right &8& Step left back, small kick forward with right, step right to side CROSS, SLOW UNWIND, QUICK SIDE ROCK, JAZZ BOX 1 Tightly cross ball of left over right 2-3 Slowly unwind a full turn right ending with weight on left &4 Rock right to side, recover to left 5-6 Cross right over left, step left back 7-8 Step right to side, step left together KICK AND BOOGIE WALK FORWARD, CHUGS FORWARD AND BACK 1&2 Small kick right to side, lifting up on ball of left step right together, step left forward bending knees and taking hips and knees to the left 3-4 Step right forward with hips & knees right, step left forward with hips & knees left &5 Small step forward with right, step left together &6 Small step back with right, step left together &7&8 Repeat counts &5&6 Styling note: on chugs, keep knees slightly bent, move hips forward and back with steps TWO SLOW HIP WALKS FORWARD, TWO SLOW HIP WALKS BACK 1-2 Step right diagonally forward with hips right, snap both hands up to right 3-4 Step left diagonally forward with hips left, snap both hands up to left 5-6 Step right diagonally back with hips right, snap both hands down to right 7-8 Step left diagonally back with hips left, snap both hands down to left BASIC WEST COAST SWING INSIDE WHIP PATTERN 1-2 Step right forward, turn 1/2 right and step left back 3&4 Step right back, step left together, step right forward 5-6 Step left forward, turn 1/2 left and step right back 7&8 Step left back, step right together, step left forward REPEAT |
"Kickit" Step Sheet
Copyright(c) 2009 BokerTov all rights reserved