Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

Ain't Misbehavin'

1&2 3 &4 5&6 7&8
kick ball big step drag next- step XIF- side- back() back- side()- XIF
(R) - R - L (R) R - L R - L - R L - R - L
1 - 2 3&4 5 6 7&8
toe- strut* side- rec- XIF side T() hitch shuffle
(R) - R L - R - L R on R (L) L - R - L
1&2& 3 4 5 6 7 8
rock- rec- back- rec step hitch T() T() side rec T()
R - L - R - L R (L) on R L R L
1&2 3&4 &5 &6 &7 &8
back- rec- back back- rec- back back- toe back- toe back- toe back- toe
R - L - R L - R - L R - (L) L - (R) R - (L) L - (R)
& 1 2 3&4 5 - 6 7 - 8
next walk walk step()- side- T() next toe- strut* toe- strut*
R L R L - R - L (R) - R (L) - L

1 - 2 3&4 5 - 6 7&8
step (pop) - step (pop) shuffle step (pop) - step (pop) shuffle
R (L) - L (R) R - L - R L (R) - R (L) L - R - L
( This 8 counts will circle around to the left to end up facing 3:00 - almost a full )
Styling of [step 9-10] toe- strut*: Leading with R hip, place R toe (1), Slowly lower R heel (2)
Styling of [step 37-40] toe- strut*: Diagonal XIF toe- strut & Leading with R hip ...

Last update '16/1/20

Ain't Misbehavin'

Choreographed by Guyton M. & Jo Thompson S. & Amy G.
Description: 48 count, 4 wall, Intermediate
Music: Misbehavin' by Pentatonix

"Kickit" Step Sheet

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