Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

And Get It On

1 2 3 4&5 6&7 8&1
side next () XIF step- lock- step step- () - ()
(step - side - back)
back - () - ()
(back - side - step)
L R L (1:30) R - L - R L - R - L (10:30) R - L - R (7:30)

2 3 4&5 6 7 8&1
step T() back back - lock - back back rec step - lock - step
L R (1:30) L - R - L R L R - L - R

2 & 3&4 &5 6 &7 8
hold lock step - lock - step step - XIB unwind T(7/8) side - point hold
- L R - L - R L - R onR- onL (12:00) R - (L) -

1 2 3 4&5 6 7&8
step spiral
step - () - ()
step - side - next
hold T()
with heels bounce x3
L (R) R onR L - R - L (4:30) - -


Last update '15/11/27

And Get It On

Choreographed by Daniel Trepat & Jose Miquel Belloque Vane
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Intermediate
Music: Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth ft. Meghan Trainor

"Kickit" Step Sheet

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