Boots&Hat Easy Step Sheet

Rolling With Love

1 - 2a 3 - 4a 5a6a 7 - 8a
step- XIF- side
XIB- XIB- side()
step-T()- step-T() step- rec- T()
L (R) - R - L R (L) - L - R (3:00) L - R - L - R (3:00) L - R - L (9:00)
1 - 2a 3 - 4a 5 - 6a 7 - 8a
T()- XIB- side XIF- rec- side() step (full)- step-T() back- rec- T()
R - L - R (6:00) L - R - L (3:00) R - L - R (9:00) L - R - L (12:00)
1 - 2a 3 - 4a 5 - 6a 7a8a
back- rec- T() back- XIB- side XIF- rec- side XIF- side- XIB() sweep
R - L - R (6:00) L - R - L R - L - R L - R - L (R) (4:30)

1a 2 - 3 - 4 5 a6 7 a8*Restart
XIB- side() (step hitch) x 3times XIF- side- next XIF- side- next()
R - L (3:00) R - L - R L - R - L R - L - R (6:00)
1 - 2 a3 - 4 5 6 7 - 8a
step- step step- T()- XIF side()
step() sweep - XIB- side
L - R L - R - L (9:00) R (L) (12:00) L (R) R (L) - L - R (6:00)
*Restart: on wall 1 after count 32.
*Tag: at the end of wall 3 do the following 4 count Tag (facing 6:00)
step 1-4 : Step left to left extending right arm out and up to right side (look at hand).

Last update '19/12/18

Rolling With Love

Choreographed by Heather Barton & Simon Ward
Description: 40 count, 2 wall, Advanced Rolling Count Linedance
Music: Hopelessly Devoted To You by Delta Goodrem

"Kickit" Step Sheet

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