Thriller (for Party) 設計図(MMD dance spec)

Last update 2017/6/11

Thriller (for Party)

Choreographed by Mio Watanabe
Description: 32 count, 2 wall, Ultra Beginner
Music: Thriller by Micheal Jackson's This Is It 
       (The music that inspired the movie)
音楽BPM = 118 (1カウント換算 30 x 60 ÷ 118 = 15.25 フレーム )

ダンスの 1 セクション = 15.25 x 8 = 122 フレーム相当
ダンスの 1 wall = 4 セクション = 122 x 4 = 488 フレーム相当

Thriller (for Party) - sec 1

1 - 2 - 3 4 5 - 6 - 7 8
T() walk- walk- walk T() touch walk- walk- walk T() touch
R - L - R (1:30) onR (L) (10:30) L - R - L (10:30) onL (R) (12:00)
Styling) step1-8: arms are like as zombie hands

sec 1 1 2 3 4
dance T() walk R walk L walk R T() touch (L)
flame 0 16 32 48 64
music 0 07 - 15 22 - 30 37 - 45 53 61
cnt_ik 0 (0, 0, 0)
(-4, 0, -4)
(-4, 0, -4)
(-8, 0, -8)
(-8, 0, -8)
(-12, 0, -12)
(-12, 0, -12) (-12, 0, -12)
ik_T(y) 0 - 45 - 45 - 45 +45 +45
0 = *(-4, 3, -4)
*(-8, 0, -8)
= *(-12, 3, -12) *(-12, 1, -12)
(-25, +45, 0)
R_ik 0 *(0, 3, 0)
*(-4, 0, -4)
= *(-8, 3, -8)
*(-12, 0, -12)
*(-12, 0, -12) =
Styling sc1A sc1A (at 07=122)

sec 1 5 6 7 8
dance walk L walk R walk L T() touch (L)
flame 80 96 112 120 128
music 68 - 76 83 - 91 98 - 106 114 122
cnt_ik (-12, 0, -12)
(-8, 0, -16)
(-8, 0, -16)
(-4, 0, -20)
(-4, 0, -20)
(0, 0, -24)
(0, 0, -24) (0, 0, -24)
ik_T(y) +45 +45 +45 0 0
L_ik *(-12, 3, -12)
*(-8, 0, -16)
= *(-4, 3, -20)
*(0, 0, -24)
(0, 0, -24) =
= *(-8, 3, -16)
*(-4, 0, -20)
= (0, 3, -24) (0, 1, -24)
(-25, 0, 0)
Styling sc1A (at 07=122)

Thriller (for Party) - styling

共通 初期 左腕 =(0, 0, +40) 左ひじ =(20, -30, 0) 右腕 =(0, 0, -40) 右ひじ =(20, +30, 0)
左肩 =(0, 0, -10) 右肩 =(0, 0, +10) 左/右手のひら =(真直ぐ)
SC1 sc1A 左腕 =(0, -70, -30) 左ひじ =(0, -25, 0) 右腕 =(0, +70, +30) 右ひじ =(0, +25, 0)
左手首 =(0, 0, +25) 右手首 =(0, 0, -25) 左袖 =(0, 0, +12) 右袖 =(0, 0, -12)

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