It is our old custom to visit the temple and place flowers and incense on the graves of our ancestors and the deceased during equinoctial week.

We visited Temple Shorinji in Sasayama, Tak's home town, on 22nd of September.

We enjoyed the scenery of early autumn from the windows of the car, Rice have been reaped at most fields,

We went further east and arrived at the Shinto-shrine called ’Hookabe Zinzya、’one of the shrines which has the biggest scale and long history in the area..We like this shrine and have often visited here in early summer when the festival was held.


This is Summer Festival in 2011. You will be amazed at the
We arrived at our temple Shorin-ji .and Rumi went up the steps to our graves and prayed for our ancestors and the deceased, placing the flowers and incense. Tak,who cannot get up,,pray for them in front of the main building.
She found the beautiful flower, cluster amaryllis, called 'higanbana' in Japan.


Coffee Break

◎Thank you for the October update. I enjoyed the photos of the early fall in Japan. I especially like the photos of pure white heron and higanbana. They are really beautiful.

Our morning temperature is very chilly (the lowest -4C last week) , but usually in the afternoon it warms up to 15-20 c. I go for a one  hour walk almost everyday and enjoy the wide open prairie and a big sky above it. I also enjoy walking through the residential area and look into their garden. Right now most of the houses are displaying  Halloween decorations. Instead Japanese Halloween focuses their creative energy on their costumes , ours is still quite a traditional children's fun festival- “trick or treating” by children with scary costumes and garden ornaments of pumpkins and ghosts (or anything spooky ).

The best season is ahead of you. Enjoy!!


 Haruyo Konishi Hazelton, Alberta,Canada -----------

  Thank you as always for treating us to the seasons and news from your part of Japan.

Here in Armidale we had a slow start to the Spring Season, however the cold weather has returned ……….  

Despite this our small garden is full of flowers and our vegetables are growing well too.

Best wishes to you, your family and correspondents.

----------------Claus &  Michiko JEHNE, Armidale, NSW. Australia.--------------

 I loved reading about Bon Tradition again.  We think of you both often.  Wonderful memories of you, both in Kobe and greater Seattle

---------------- Donald Lorentz and Family, Poulsbo,Washington, USA----------

We are listening to news here and it said Japan has been hit by a powerful typhoon today.  

We hope you are both safe and OK?  

 --------------Tom Gregg , Christchurch , New Zealand ------------

How are you all?

 In Japan, still very hot and continuing like midsummer.

 At the university, the graduation ceremony was held in September and the autumn term will start soon.

I am busy with preparations for the autumn term.

 Last month, we went on a trip to Hokkaido for the first time in a while.

Hokkaido was somewhat cooler and it was nice to spend time there comfortably.

The photo shows a lavender farm in Biei (near Furano).Many of the landscapes are similar to New Zealand and I feel very nostalgic.

 Please take care of yourselves, everyone!


 --------------------Masayuki Kishimoto, Sanda, Hyogo Pref. Japan-----------------


I enjoyed reading about “2010 Bon Home Page” again. You must be feeling nostalgic looking back the traditional event of 13 yeas ago.

 Here we are in the beginning of the fall – temperature between 4 °C  to 20°C  . The golden canola crop which presented an image of heaven in June , is now laying in swaths drying in the September sunshine. Huge round bales of hay (1.5x1.8 meters while weighing around 690 kg) were scattered on the vast hay field. I enjoy the views of the fall farm field from my window.

 Will your next home Page be titled “ small signs of the fall'?

-------------------- Haruyo Konishi Hazelton, Alberta, Canada ----------- 

As always
, thank you and your correspondents, very much for your beautiful and 

informative HOMEPAGE and the many replies from HP Friends from around the world.

The attached photo was sent to me by Kurata Aki-san, a friend from Shizuoka. 

It is a picture of a BLUE GUM in full bloom growing on their property.   

Here, they usually bloom in the late Spring Season,  but it is Autumn in Japan !!   

Aki-san writes:  

informative HOMEPAGE and the many replies from HP Friends from around the world.

Aki-san writes:  





There is another famous Eucalyptus Tree in Japan.  It is alive and well in the 

Castle Park in Hiroshima City after it survived the Atomic Bomb attack there in 1945.

With our best wishes,    

----------------Claus &  Michiko JEHNE, Armidale, NSW. Australia.--------------

◎ I loved reading about Bon Tradition again.  We think of you both often.  Wonderful memories of you, both in Kobe and greater Seattle.

--------Donald Lorentz and Family
. Poulsbo, Washington, USA--------------

Thank you f or yet another Homepage, always full of interesting reports.

Concerning the news from Paris today, I am very pleased to see that Japan is leading the Gold Medal Count, ahead of China and followed by Australia.

A wonderful achievement, even if the Games still have some more days before they end

‘With our best wishes to you, your dear wife and all members of your Home Page Club

your Home Page Club.

-----------------Claus &  Michiko JEHNE, Armidale, NSW. Australia.--------------

Thank you for the July update.

II really like the photo of the rice field by Rumiko san. I think the beauty is the simplicity of the green .

We are having hotter than normal summer - 35℃ high , but very comfortable as the night temperature goes down to 10℃ and humidity is only 20 %. Unfortunately this hot dry condition is called “fire weather”. Two days ago a huge fire demolished  the most popular Rocky Mountain resort town Jasper. My home is  about 400 km from Jasper, but I could smell strong smoke and my veranda was covered by ash like light snow.

Despite  the news of 700 wildfires and the tornado forecast ( I live right in the tornado alley.) , I am enjoying a peaceful retirement life. My happiness these days is the heavenly view of canola fields from my window. (Canola is the main crop of this area) . I can see thousands of acres of the lemon yellow fields stretched to the horizon, dotted with light brown deer.

-------------------- Haruyo Konishi Hazelton, Alberta, Canada ----------- 

◎Thank you very much for June Homepage. I appreciate your photos and comments on hydrangeas, as this is my first “no hydangea summer” in my life – They do not survive severe winter of occasional -40℃ here at the foothill of Rocky Mountains. Our small town of population 10,000 is known as Wild Rose Country. Fragrant wild roses started to bloom just a couple of weeks ago. This is also the season of peony , Iris and columbine. Obviously their tough roots have no problem to overwinter.

Unfortunately we are having a Covid outbreak again in the care home where I live. Out of about 100 residents, about 10 people are quarantined in their own rooms. The life is quite normal for the rest of us. I am grateful I can enjoying a peaceful retirement life , mainly reading, painting/drawing.

Looking forward to July Homepage.

---------------------------- Haruyo Konishi Hazelton, Alberta, Canada ----------- 

◎We are pleased to learn that you and our dear wife are enjoying the ealy summer season in

Kobe / Mt Rokko area. 

After our return from New Zealand we are again off to warm Queensland to spend some time with children and grand-children to escape the cold weather here on the North Eastern table lands ofNew South Wales.

Wishing you and your Coffee Club friend and their families a happy and peaceful time in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere of our planet.


-----------------Claus &  Michiko JEHNE, Armidale, NSW. Australia.------------------

◎So good to read your latest Homepage, and learn more about your continuing activities. 

I am sending my message this way, because your homepage reply link did not open this time. 

 Your photographs are so good to see, and are always interesting for us to see and read about here in Christchurch.  Your comments bring back such good memories of our earlier days, and how lucky I was to visit you at Sonoda.

 All is well with us here in Christchurch, as we now head into winter here.  

     -------------- Tom Gregg , Christchurch , New Zealand -------------

◎I always look forward to the updates on your website.

 You can see carp streamers every year in Shukugawa Park near my workplace.
 The train in the back of the picture is a JR train.
 It's my daily commuting route,so walking this route is enjoyable.

 This week I will visit Doshisha University in Kyoto.
 Kyoto is so crowded with tourists that it is known as overtourism.
 I spent my university years in Kyoto and there were many people during the autumn leaf season,  but not as many as now. 
 I would like to visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace, it is a good season.

Kishi Shikugawa park.jpg

--------------------Masayuki Kishimoto, Sanda, Hyogo Pref. Japan-----------------

I loved your new home page especially the flying carp and your own carp in the Garden pool.It is winter here now and cold and frosty in the mornings but nlce And sunny in the afternoon,I now have two gardeners to help me one comes for Two hours and the other just for one hour so my garden is looking much tidier.I Do a little bit and today I am going to a new nursery to buy a rhododendron called Kings cream to celebrate K ings Birthday Weekend .Keep well much love fromJocelyn Christchurch New Zealand ,

 --------------------Jocelyn Fifield, Christchurch, New Jealand--------

Thank you for the May Home Page.

You came across the wonderful display of the carp streamers. What a find! I wonder who put them up. Residents of the houses background?

Or municipal hall? I hope you remember this location and visit next year again. The real carp in your pond also looks magnificent. All of your photos are beautiful and the accompanying English essays are well-written and interesting.

 After the long winter I got almost emotional when I spotted the first dandelion during my usual walk on May 1. Here (latitude 52° North, 1050m

above sea level) May is the beginning of spring. Right now tulips and daffodils are blooming side by side. From my window of 3rd floor condo I admire the early spring green of the great grass and farm lands that extend as far as the eye can see.

 Please take care of yourself. Looking forward to June Home Page.

 ---------------------------- Haruyo Konishi Hazelton, Alberta, Canada ----------- 

Thank you very much for your May 2024 Coffee Club Homepage.

 It arrived when we were travelling in New Zealand …..

 Attached please find a photo (from our Hotel room) of 

 Akaroa Harbour   about 80km south of  Christchurch.


 We also visited Hamner Springs, Kaikoura and the town of Picton, in the 

Malborough Sounds area.   The weather was sunny fro the whole time ……

I am sure that you too may have visited these places on your past travels to 

Christchurch …..With our best wishes to you and all your Coffee Club correspondent

-----------------Claus &  Michiko JEHNE, Armidale, NSW. Australia.------------------


◎It is always a great joy to study your homepage and also to find out what is happening in locations far and wide — from the reports of your faithful correspondents.

 Here on the New England Highlands (in the State of New South Wales, Australia), the Autumn Season has arrived and the trees are displaying their seasonal colours ……. 


However, if we drive 180km westwards, down to the coast, we can still experience warm summer weather and go swimming / surfing in the ocean …….

 With our warmest Autumn Greeting to you and your Homepage Readers.

-----------------Claus &  Michiko JEHNE, Armidale, NSW. Australia.------------------

◎Thank you for the beautiful photos and excellent English essay. I am happy to see the wild cherry bloom in your garden every year. You and Rumiko-san worked hard to send us the Home Page! I appreciate it very much.

April is the best time in Japan: Cherry blossoms and the beginning of the school year - one of the best times in their life for students who could get into the schools of their choice. ( I suppose  the education system in Japan has not changed much from my student years there – very tough entrance exams to good schoosl! I cannot forget April was the most cruel and depressing time for some of my friends who failed university entrance exams.)

 Our weather here at the foothills of Rocky Mountains are quite different from yours. Although yesterday's the temperature was close to 20C, overnight it went down to -6C and right now I am admiring the blizzard over the great prairie. This kind of drastic weather changes are quite common here and very entertaining to watch. I walk everyday for 30-60 minutes and only one spring sign I encountered was a single vivid yellow dandelion flower against the sunny fence. When you are enjoying millions of cherry blossoms, I a single flower.

 Please take care of yourself. Looking forward May Home Page.

   ------------------Haruyo Konishi Hazelton、Alberta, Canada --

So good to get your update, and to see the wonderful cherry blossoms in full flower.  

It is especially good to see the cherry blossoms in your own fine garden.
I well remember being in your fine country as cherry blossoms were in flower.  One year you took us to Himaji Castle grounds, and we had a Cherry Blossom picnic  - with many other picnics happening around us.  

    --------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- 
I certainly DO remember the days in Kyoto, and when we experienced the beautiful cherry blossoms AND snow.  

I have such great memories of my trips to Sonoda Womens University and our visits to other areas in your beautiful countr

--------------Tom Gregg , Christchurch , New Zealand --------------

◎As always, thank you for your Homepage with the sign of Early Spring in the Kobe Area.

 There is not much to report from our country town of Armidale, except to say that we are planning a short trip to the South Island of New Zealand

 There we plan to visit the town of Akaroa (a former French Waling harbour), Hamner Springs (Onsens), Kaikoura (on the ocean) and the Kahurangi National Park near the town of Picton in the north.

 With our best wishes to all the Coffee Club members around the globe.

------------------ Claus & Michiko Jehne,  Armidale, NSW, Australia-------------  

Takeuchi sensei

I visit your website from time to time,always enjoy looking at your wonderful photos!
I was very happy to see the comments of my old friends when I met them in New Zealand and Australia.

I am now working at Otemae University in Hyogo.
I work in the Academic Affairs Department and international exchange center.

Otemae University is affiliated to a Japanese language school in Myanmar and has 10 Myanmarese students enrolled.
I visited Myanmar 3 years ago
Just before COVID-19and visited Yangon
University of Foreign Languages, among others.
I hope Myanmar will be at peace soon.

I hope you are doing well,Takeuchi sensei.
Also, kiwi and Aussie, please take care of yourselves.

If I have a chance, I would like to visit New Zealand and Australia.

---------------------Masayuki Kishimoto, Sanda, Hyogo Pref. Japan----------------



We drived home enjoying the autumn color changing in the rice field,

Autumn Scenery in Home Town

We walked around the shrine and enjoyed the autum country scene
There was Jido-san,a stone of Jizo (the guardian of children and travelers). We came back to the car and found a lot of ginkgo nuts.
This is Summer Festival in 2011. You will be amazed at the


We went for east and found a white heron seeking for the feed in the feilds. Can you see 'higanbana' in the back?